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Creative recipes with broccoli contest

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After these well deserved holidays we still think about you. We have therefore launched a contest for foodies who want to surprise their family.

This contest is very simple, you have to cook your best recipe with broccoli, you order us the photo of your culinary creation and the most creative recipes will win the Broccolin pet.

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Broccolin at the Villena cultural week

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This week Broccolin visited a school in the northeast of Alicante, bordering Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia, we have specifically been with the children in the Joaquín María López de Villena public school.
Our talk took place within the schools’ cultural week programme, a week in which on each day the children were developing different activities related to nature and health, such as collecting and drying flowers, cooking, recycling, etc.

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Broccolin with infants

By Broccolin in schools, Uncategorized No Comments

A few days ago we visited Molinos Marfagones, a village near Cartagena. There we were at the CEIP Comarcal Azorin playing with the kindergarten pupils.

This visit was a little special and different from all that they had done before, so Broccolin was like a guest in the days  “the protagonist”, a few days in which the parents of the kids going to class and have what are dedicated.

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Broccolin at the Fallas in Valencia

By Broccolin in schools, Uncategorized No Comments

Last week the fallas were held in Valencia, the cities’ most important festivals. Broccolin was very excited to be able to participate in these celebrations because we love the fireworks, the firecrackers and the ‘monuments’ that make hundreds of satirical criticisms. In addition the city is filled with light and colour, there is a unique atmosphere, people flood the streets, there are doughnut and chocolate stalls on every corner and the days are endless.

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Spring Begins

By Tips for moms, Uncategorized No Comments

Today at 5pm spring began! We are very happy because we love this time of year. The good weather invites us to leave the house and enjoy life in the great outdoors. It seems to be the best time to get ourselves into sports and do a little exercise; the cold makes us so lazy. It is also an ideal time for children to stimulate their creativity and develop their senses.

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Children and “greens”

By Tips for moms, Uncategorized No Comments

The other day I went to visit some friends I had not seen for some time. Work, family and obligations and can sometimes make it so that we can’t devote as much time as we’d like to our friends.
We were at their house and they surprised us with vegetable paella which was delicious. When we were at the table I noticed that her son’s plate only had rice on it, it didn’t have a single piece of vegetable, and then I said to the child: What happened to your plate that it has so few colours? And he answered in a way that left me speechless: “I don’t like the green.”

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Childhood obesity

By Healthy eating, Uncategorized No Comments

A few days ago we read a story that we wanted to share as we found it very interesting. The American Medical Association has conducted a study showing that U.S. childhood obesity has declined in the last 3 years. Obesity in children from 2 to 11 years old has fallen by 43%.

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Stories of creative Mums Contest Winner

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Our contest: The stories of creative Mums – What do you tell your kids to get them to eat broccoli? has been active for more than 3 weeks, from the 1st to the 20th of February.
In this time we’ve had 70 participants both Mums and Dads, all of them with a lot of imagination. Many of the stories we have received have been very creative and have made us smile, so it has been difficult for us to decide on just one story.

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