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How much does my child need to eat?

By Tips for moms, Uncategorized No Comments

Many mothers ask the same question: How much does my child need to eat? If he or she always leaves food on their plate, am I giving them too much or are they not eating enough?

It is important to know the amount of food our child needs, as it needs to be an amount in accordance with their age, physical activity, and of course, complexion.

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Strong bones with broccoli

By Properties of broccoli, Uncategorized No Comments

Calcium is an essential mineral for having strong bones and healthy teeth. It also helps children grow up with good muscles and nerves. One way of obtaining this essential mineral is through children’s diets, eating green vegetables such as broccoli.

A group of British scientists has discovered that broccoli helps slow down the development and prevent osteoarthritis, and it also helps prevent bone diseases and maintain healthy bones. This is all due to its high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin K.

On the other hand, it is involved in the formation of collagen, a protein that nourishes, strengthens, and keeps the body tissues together, reducing the risk of bone fractures. For this reason, it also helps our bones, teeth, and tissues be strong and healthy, which is very important for children whose bones and tissues are still developing.

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The 5 essential vegetables

By Properties of broccoli, Uncategorized No Comments

Today we are going to talk about 5 essential vegetables, which should always be on the weekly menu.

Although the tomato is considered a fruit by its high content of simple sugars, almost all recognize it as a vegetable. It is a moisturizing food since it has up to a 90% water, it is also rich in a wide variety of vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E or B3, contributing to improve the development of children and to prevent diseases such as anemia. It also has anticancer properties and is an antioxidant.

Broccoli is considered a super vegetable as it provides a wealth of nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium, among others. It is ideal for pregnant mothers and children as it is rich in folic acid, calcium, fiber, and antioxidants, elements that are necessary during growth stages. It also strengthens our defenses, making it ideal for times with abrupt temperature changes.


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The school Starts again

By Tips for moms, Uncategorized No Comments

It’s almost September and that can only mean one thing: it’s time for changes, for beginnings and endings, for coming back to reality.

Children have to go back to school and adults back to work, so it can be a complicated time. It is said that September is the cursed month; even Green Day said so in their song.

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Tips for keeping broccoli for longer

By Tips for moms, Uncategorized No Comments

Hello broccoli fans!

Today I will give you some tips for keeping me fresh for longer when you buy me at the supermarket or greengrocer.

As you know, as when you buy other fresh products like fruits and vegetables, it is important to preserve them well so that they don’t lose their qualities. If you follow these steps you can make sure the product is in perfect condition when you want to cook it.

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End summer contest

By Contest, Uncategorized No Comments

On Monday, we terminate the contest of summer this month July Broccoli Passion.

With this contest, we wanted to see how creative your children are when they are on vacation and have crayons nearby.

We asked you to send us a drawing of Brocolín on vacation and we have had a very good response. We have received drawings from children aged 4 to 8 years old. We liked how each child interpreted Brocolín in a completely different way, some even had hearts. In the image, we show you the two most fun drawings we have received.

Thank you to all the participants for sending us your drawing, you will receive the story very soon!

How do we cook broccoli?

By Tips for moms, Uncategorized No Comments

Some people openly say “I don’t like broccoli” and this may be due to one of three reasons: they have naver tasted it, they don’t know how to cook it, or they really don’t like it.

Today’s post is for people who have never tried it or don’t know how to cook it. Broccolin is going to give us some tips for cooking broccoli.

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Summer contest – Draw Baby Broccoli

By Contest, Uncategorized No Comments

As promised last month, we a bringing you a summer contest. This time the creativity of our children will play an important part as it will decide who wins the prize.

Summer is the perfect time to create, imagine, draw, and more. So we want to make the most of this time of relaxation and bring out the creativity of our children and of course hand out a prize.

Encourage your child to draw our mascot Brocolín and they will win the book ‘The Adventures of Brocolín’. This is a story that we have created for children aged 4 to 8 years old. It tells the story of a school made up of fruits and vegetables in which each one has qualities. Here, the virtues of broccoli are explained and the importance of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is emphasized.

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